Budget and Finances


Here is a breakdown of your student association fees and levies:

Once per year fee: 2022-2023
CFS National 9.92
CFS Manitoba 6.60
CKUW 15.18
UWSA Day Care 3.17
World University Service of Canada 6.47
National Campus and Community Radio Association NCRA 0.37
Uniter 13.42
Uniter – Mouseland Press Speaker Series 3.20
Uniter – Legal Defence Fund (Canadian University Press) 0.37
Bike Lab 2.49
Positive Space 0.90
Foodbank 1.70
Health Plan Levy 6.04
Per Course  2022-23
Building Fund 6 Cr Hour 4.80
Student Association 6 Cr. Hr. 31.80
Building Fund 3 Cr Hour 2.40
Student Association 3 Cr. Hr. 15.90
U-Pass  2022-23
Amount per term for two terms, Fall & Winter 212.00

What do these fees pay for? See below for information:

Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) National – The UWSA is Local 8 of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). CFS National is an organization that connects us with over 80 other student unions, and that works at the federal level for high quality, accessible post-secondary education. For more information, check out cfs-fcee.ca.

Canadian Federation of Students  (CFS) Manitoba – The UWSA is also a member of the Canadian Federation of Students Manitoba, which connects us with four other student unions in the province and works at the provincial level for high quality, accessible post-secondary education. For more information check out: cfsmb.ca.

CKUW – CKUW is the on-campus FM radio station at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada, broadcasting at 95.9 MHz. For more information visit ckuw.ca.

Daycare – The UWSA Day Care provides childcare for students, faculty, and community members.

World University Service of Canada WUSC raises awareness about global development issues. The WUSC student levy funds the Student Refugee Program, which supports students fleeing war or persecution in developing countries to continue their studies at the University of Winnipeg. For more information visit wusc.ca.

NCRA– The National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA) is a not-for-profit group of organizations and individuals committed to volunteer-driven, non-profit, community-oriented radio across Canada. CKUW is a member of the NCRA. For more information visit ncra.ca.

Uniter– The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of Winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press. The Uniter is a member of CUP. For more information visit uniter.ca.

Mouseland Press Speakers Series– Presented by The Uniter, the official student newspaper of the University of Winnipeg, the Mouseland Press Speakers Series is part of the newspaper’s ongoing efforts to enhance its contribution to community life on and off campus. Mouseland Press Inc. is the publisher of The Uniter. Past speakers include Gwynne Dyer, Adria Vasil, Sandy Tolan and Chris Walter.

Bike Lab Levy– The Bike Lab levy funds the programming that takes place in the UWSA Bike Lab.

Positive Space Levy– This levy funds the operation of our Positive Space program that works with students, student groups, and other campus and city organizations on the promotion of safe and positive space for all.

Building Fund– This is the main source of the UWSA’s capital funding. Capital spending focuses on long-term purchases and includes software, furniture, and renovations including the HIVE and study areas in the Bulman Student Centre.

Student Association Fund– This is the main source of the UWSA’s operational funding. Operational funding goes towards day-to-day operations including salaries, service centres, campaigns, student groups, and much more.

Please review the 2020/21 Budget Summary here: UWSA 2020-21 Budget Summary

Want more information about the budget? Please contact our Chief Financial Officer at o.olaleye@theuwsa.ca.

Audited Financial Statements Archive:

2013 Financial Statement
2014 Financial Statement
2015 Financial Statement
2016 Financial Statement
2017 Financial Statement
2018 Financial Statement
2019 Financial Statement
2020 Financial Statement

Financial Reports Archive:

FY22 Q1 Financial Report

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg